Attention: The JOTTS KITCHEN ENTERPRISES, INC. (A Food & Beverage Co.) and divisions (Food & Beverage Retail, Logistics & Transports, Food Processor & Manufacturer, Media Publishing, …
Attention: The JOTTS KITCHEN ENTERPRISES, INC. (A Food & Beverage Co.) and divisions (Food & Beverage Retail, Logistics & Transports, Food Processor & Manufacturer, Media Publishing, and From-Scratch Bakery) Scottsdale location is for Office Administration only. Meals are not sold or prepared from this location. Our fully-prepared meals are prepped, packed, and delivered locally and nationwide through our Commercial Kitchen Processing Facilities, Farms, Farmers Markets, or Food Hubs. We offer breakfast meals, lunch/dinner meals, desserts, soups, and breads in bulk orders (2pk, 4pk, 8pk) to businesses and home delivery for consumers! Call 602-517-9081 for details and request our 2024 Mail-Order Food Catalogue in Print or E-Book! Or, call to schedule an in-person appointment.