Large Plastic Pipettes


  • Pipette Com | Pipette Tips | For All Your Research Needs
    广告Transfer pipette, polyethylene & more labware at Sigma-Aldrich. Transfer pipette, polyethylene & more labware at MilliporeSigma.

    Safe and convenient use · Large bulb design · 3.0 mL capacity

    Brands: Sigma-Aldrich, Millipore, SAFC, Milli-Q, Supelco, BioReliance, Roche
  • Graduated Pipettes | Thermo Fisher Scientific › Pipettes
    广告We offer a range of pipettes for every stage of cell culture. Place your order today! Our serological pipettes offer the quality assurance you need to research with confidence.

    Tested With Gibco Media · Product Guides & Tools · Rigorous Quality Control

    Types: Flasks, Plates, Dishes, Tubes, Inserts, Imaging