Apartments Madeira Old Town公寓位于丰沙尔(Funchal),距离海滩和丰沙尔的老城区均有5分钟的步行路程,提供免费无线网络连接,距离丰沙尔码头(Funchal Marina)有1.4公里,距离马德拉会 …
Apartments Madeira Old Town公寓位于丰沙尔(Funchal),距离海滩和丰沙尔的老城区均有5分钟的步行路程,提供免费无线网络连接,距离丰沙尔码头(Funchal Marina)有1.4公里,距离马德拉会议中心(Madeira Congress Center)有1.9公里。 公寓均设有电视、休息区和1-2间卧室,提供床单和毛巾。私人浴室配备了浴缸/淋浴和浴盆。 客人可以在设施齐全的厨房里自行准备饭菜。公寓距离农贸市场(Farmers’ Market)有不到10分钟的步行路程,那里是各种香味和传统沉淀的地方,客人可以买到最天然上乘的食品。 公寓附近分布着众多供应传统马德拉菜肴的餐厅。晚间,客人可以在海边的酒吧放松身心。公寓距离当代艺术博物馆(Contemporary Art Museum)仅有2分钟的步行路程,在距离Santa Maria步行街有5分钟的步行路程,那里时常举办各种文化艺术活动。马德拉国际机场(Madeira International Airport)位于16公里外。
The apartment had everything that I needed. It was clean with a lovely roof terrace and pool with a spectacular view of Funchal. Lovely spot to watch the sunset
There's a dance school next door so there was some noise during the day and early evening. A nice quiet area otherwise.
Lovely apartment with everything you might need for your vacation. The location is great, within walking distance of the old town, many restaurants and tourist attractions like the cable car and the …