Empty shell of its former self, very neglected, dirty, smelly, anything you can think of and its most like also wrong with that beach. Garbage everywhere, hundred of beach goers drinking, partying in…Muffinman85的完整评论
Clean and safe , enjoyed it alot!! Nature scene is beautiful. I really hope one day I can live their one day, people are very friendly, family vibe!! I love the place. I'm saving money for next year …Cindy S的完整评论
Was told by security that we aren't allowed to take a picture with the TOURISM PICTURE FRAME. Is this country going insaneShane P的完整评论
Coming to Stalis October was wondering if most bars and pubs restaurants still be open October 11th -18th
I would think quite a few places will still be open as this is quite a touristy resort and when we went, outside peak season, there was plenty of choice.
Hi, can anyone tell me where along Stalis beach is best for sun beds which aren’t all really close together? Would rather visit where people aren’t all on top of each other. Thanks
if you walk along beach you will find space ,we use babel beach bar thanasis is a great host with his wife maria with free sunbeds toliets showers and no pressure to buy food or drinks .