唐纳德·特朗普威胁对欧洲酒精征收 200% 的关税,加剧了贸易紧张局势,引发了行业警告和欧盟的反制措施。 Alcohol is shaping up to be a key friction point in the trade war US ...
知情人士透露,习近平担心,随着特朗普准备与中方摊牌,中国可能会像冷战时期的苏联一样被孤立。很难与特朗普的核心团队接触让中国更加难以制定对美策略。 去年11月特朗普(Donald ...
The additional countermeasures on C$125 billion in imports from the United States would be from a list of goods open for a 21 ...
US President Donald Trump once again questioned the role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, casting doubt on whether ...