After samples were collected, the whale was buried since it was "unable to be towed back to" the beach due to shallow water.
A new study led by McGill University researchers indicates that humpback whales in the southeastern Pacific combine real-time ...
Harrowing footage shows the moment a diver narrowly avoids a confrontation with a pair of humpback whales.
As many whales migrate south to north in the spring, it’s more typical to see the large mammals in the Grand Strand. Was one ...
A humpback whale has been spotted off the region's coastline by fishermen. The giant mammal was captured on video breaching ...
Timo Dersch had a close call with a humpback whale while freediving with orcas in the waters surrounding Norway ...
Four humpback whales were observed off Taiwan's east coast on Tuesday, marking both the year's first official sighting and ...
长期以来,座头鲸的尿液对海洋的贡献一直被忽视。| 国家地理图片集 在深邃的蓝色海洋中,一只刚满月的座头鲸(humpback whale)紧紧依偎在母亲身旁。突然,一团深黄色的尿液喷涌而出,如同一颗烟雾弹,将周围的海水染成了绿色。
A juvenile humpback whale died after recently washing ashore near the North Carolina/South Carolina state line.
A diver, who was freediving with orcas, narrowly avoided being hit by the humpback’s tail in Norway.
This video was shared with us of a humpback whale near a paddle boarder off the Jacksonville Beach Pier Sunday morning.