印第安纳州哥伦布市 - 市值448亿美元的机械行业领军企业Cummins Inc.(NYSE: CMI)周一宣布,首席行政官Sharon Barner将于5月31日退休,结束其在公司13年的任职。根据 InvestingPro 评估,该公司财务状况评级为"良好"。这家全球动力解决方案领导者称赞Barner在知识产权、风险管理以及环境和监管事务方面的专业知识,为公司的发展发挥了关键作用。
Cummins Inc. (NYSE: CMI) announced today that Chief Administrative Officer Sharon Barner will be retiring, effective May 31, ...
Cummins (NYSE:CMI) recently announced the impending retirement of Sharon Barner, its Chief Administrative Officer, an ...
Cummins Inc., which has a history of advancing its general counsel to chief administrative officer, soon will have the ...
Cummins (CMI) that Chief Administrative Officer Sharon Barner will be retiring, effective May 31, following an extraordinary career and 13 ...
Cummins Inc. announced today that Chief Administrative Officer Sharon Barner will retire, effective May 31, following 13 ...
Here's the history and meaning behind Women's history month colors: purple, green, white and gold. Experts explain the fascinating origins.