不过 Copilot 现在重新成为一款完整的原生应用,并深度集成于 Windows 11。在社区的强烈反馈和批评下,微软重新启用了 Win+C 快捷键以打开 Copilot。此举解决了此前 Alt+Space 快捷键的局限性(仅当应用在后台运行时有效 ...
Microsoft is testing an update to the Photos app that adds a Copilot button, shortcuts to AI tools through File Explorer's ...
IT之家 3 月 16 日消息,微软在推广“为每台 PC 添加 Copilot”助手的进程中遭遇了意外挫折。最新发布的 Windows 11 KB5053598 更新被发现存在一个严重漏洞, 导致该人工智能助手被意外卸载 。此外,安装了 KB5053602(2025 年 3 月安全更新)的 Windows 11 23H2 系统也出现了 Copilot 助手消失的情况,甚至连 Windows 10 ...
Did you miss Copilot in Windows 11? Well, this could be good news or bad news: Microsoft has fixed the bug that removed the ...
3月20日消息,微软公司昨日(3月19日)更新支持文档,承认面向Windows 10和Windows 11系统发布的3月累积更新存在BUG,导致“误杀”Copilot 助手,目前已经修复。 微软于3月11日的补丁星期二活动日上,为Windows 10 ...
微软的AI助手Copilot,作为其“AI PC”战略的核心组件,近日在Windows 11的一次更新中出现了意外情况。部分用户在安装KB5053598更新后,发现Copilot应用被意外卸载,并从任务栏中移除。
此外, 记事本中的“重写”功能现在更名为“Copilot” 。微软正在将 Windows 11 中所有与 AI 相关的功能逐步整合到 Copilot 品牌下。此次更新后,记事本工具栏中新增了一个“Copilot”按钮,用户可以通过它打开原有的“重写(Rewrite)”功能,该功能由 ChatGPT ...
Copilot has made it into Windows 11 (and even, to a more limited extent, the aging Windows 10) as a native app, and then a wrapper around a web app, and soon as a native app again. But this month ...
您可以再次按 Windows 徽标键 + C 在 Windows 11 上打开 Copilot,但微软表示它将允许您更改键盘快捷键来打开其他应用程序,类似于它在 Copilot+ PC 上处理 Copilot 键的方式。Windows 键 + C 是广受争议的 Windows 键盘快捷键之一。以前,它与 Cortana 相关联,因此只要调用键盘快捷键,它就会打开 Cortana 的语音模式。不过, ...
Microsoft has confirmed a bug with the latest Windows 11 update that's accidentally causing the Copilot app to get uninstalled and unpinned from the taskbar on some devices. The issue started ...
Those of you who ran Microsoft's latest Windows 11 update last week may have noticed at least one change. Copilot has vanished. Rolled out on March 11 for this month's Patch Tuesday, KB5053598 was ...
Some users on Windows 11 24H2 and 23H2 – and those who’ve installed Windows 10’s March patch (KB5053606) – are finding that the Copilot app has been randomly removed from their PC.