在污水处理厂的浑浊水流中,一场无声的“基因快递”正在上演。数以万计的微生物通过神秘的基因交换网络,悄悄传递着耐药性“武器”、污染物分解“技能包”,甚至人工合成的生物元件。这种被称为水平基因转移(Horizontal Gene Transfer)的现象 ...
本研究聚焦于牛足腐烂(Bovine Foot Rot, BFR)和牛数字皮炎(Bovine Digital Dermatitis, BDD)的病原学,通过16S rRNA基因测序和qPCR技术分析了不同病变阶段的细菌群落特征,揭示了Fusobacterium spp.和Treponema spp.在两种疾病中的差异性分布,为精准诊断和治疗提供了新的思路。
In recent years, the sequence of the 16S rRNA gene has been used to detect and identify bacterial infection in clinical practice (1), but many of the PCR methods in use are not able to further ...
In the microscopic world of bacteria, gene transfer is a powerful mechanism that can alter cellular function, drive ...
Technologies to mine the microbiome For decades, sequence-based bacterial analysis relied on genes encoding the 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA). 16S rRNA genes consist of highly conserved nucleotide ...
The main types of rRNA include: Small Subunit rRNA: In prokaryotes, the small subunit contains the 16S rRNA, while in eukaryotes, it contains the 18S rRNA. These rRNAs are involved in mRNA binding and ...