ID GSE266025. The asymmetric expression of HSPA2 in blastomeres governs the first embryonic cell-fate decision. ID PXD052193. differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) at the blastocyst stage in the ...
Scientists at a technology company said Sunday they have created human embryos through cloning, drawing criticism from President Bush and lawmakers and raising new ethical questions. Advanced Cell ...
Now - the clever bit. The cells on the inside layer of this very early embryo can make all of the cell types needed in your body. They're called stem cells. The stem cells continue to divide by ...
(2) Micropattern Colonies: To study the spatial organization of human embryos ... a stem cell biologist at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology who works with both stem ...
The earliest days after fertilization, once a sperm cell meets an egg, are shrouded in scientific mystery.The process of how a humble single cell ...
View Full Profile. Learn about our Editorial Policies. During embryonic stem cell (ESC) development, pluripotent stem cells transition from a naïve state into a primed state before they take their ...
In a new study published in Developmental Cell, researchers led by Université de Montréal (UdeM) professor Greg FitzHarris show how the early mouse embryo gets rid of the defective or unneeded ...