现在看来,选择用一辆老款 Fairlady Z来打造计时赛车本身就是个不寻常的决定,但鉴于它重量轻,发动机舱空间大,他认为这辆经典的日产车经过改装后,能够与如今日本大多数赛道日和计时赛中常见的现代赛车一较高下。
在谈论Time Attack计时赛时,许多车迷的脑海中可能会浮现出三菱EVO、日产GT-R和本田思域等蜚声国际的名车,但来自20世纪70年代的日产S30 Fairlady Z却鲜有关注。然而,一辆由CommonSnapper改造而成的S30 Fairlady Z,以其极具个性的改装和非凡的性能,重新定义了这一经典车型在竞技舞台上的表现。 这辆激进的Fairlady Z不仅仅是外观独特,内在动力系统 ...
However, if you step back a little further in history, the S30 chassis Datsun Z cars took the world by storm as an affordable, entry-level sports car that could throw punches with the priciest of ...
Katayama’s persistence with sports cars paid off, Nissan eventually creating the S30 Fairlady Z, known in America and elsewhere as the 240Z on account of its 2.4-litre, in-line six-cylinder engine.
Born and bred in the USA, the original S30-generation Z-car remains one of the most desirable Japanese models to this day, a darling of collectors and drivers alike. It is Japan’s 911.