2s7配备超压式三防系统,可以在核生化作战环境中保持车组的安全。 安装一个24马力9R4-6U2辅助动力装置,能够在不开启主发动机的时候提供动力来源。
2s7自行榴弹炮配备了多种作战系统,确保在恶劣环境中的有效性和安全性。 特别是超压型核生化防护系统、加热装置和辅助动力装置,可使车辆在不 ...
The Malka is the upgraded version of the 2S7 ‘Pion’ self-propelled gun developed in the 1980s and still considered as one of the most powerful cannons in the world. The self-propelled ...
In 1983, the Russians developed a modernised version of this self-propelled gun - the 2S7 Malka. The focus here was mainly on higher fire rates and more space for additional ammunition.