T-Mobile’s 5G networks rely heavily on Sub-6 ... You can see if you have access to T-Mobile’s Ultra Capacity network at its network map. Unlike the other major carriers, T-Mobile hasn ...
在T-Mobile位于圣地亚哥的5G商用网络上启动了XR试验。这些试验展示了XR技术在提升用户体验和推动电信行业创新方面的潜力。 爱立信正在部署其5G ...
Just this week, for example, T-Mobile CTO Neville Ray revealed that the carrier’s first big push into 5G coverage won’t happen until the second half of 2019. Even then, T-Mobile’s 5G ...
“T-Mobile is about to make 5G Advanced nationwide,” Ewaldsson said, promising an upside of improved coverage and capacity from the same physical network. The company is about to make a move ...