据微软官方介绍,此次优化主要聚焦于提升文件资源管理器在解压包含众多小文件的压缩包时的性能。实际测试显示,在解压含有数千个小文件的.zip压缩包时,新版本的文件管理器解压速度相比之前有了大约5%至10%的提升。然而,对于包含少量大文件的压缩包,如包含多 ...
There was a time that Windows didn't have decompression and archiving tools built into the OS, with many people resorting to ...
Though 7-Zip probably still beats Windows 11's native file archiving performance, in terms of file support though, the former is lagging and is having to play catch-up. With beta version 24.01 ...