三菱HC资本3月11日发布声明称,旗下商用飞机租赁商JSA决定向空客订购50架A320neo系列飞机,目前正处于最后谈判阶段,预计2031年开始交付。 声明称,通过收购新资产和交易现有机队,JSA旨在扩大业务并提高盈利能力。
Pratt & Whitney has received FAA certification for the upgraded Advantage version of its PW1100G geared turbofan (GTF) that powers the A320neo, marking a key milestone in the engine-maker's long ...
Pratt & Whitney's GTF Advantage engine has obtained FAA type certification for the Airbus A320neo family of aircraft, the manufacturer said Thursday. It's the latest development for the engine ...
US regulators have certified the Pratt & Whitney GTF Advantage engine, the latest variant of the PW1100G geared-turbofan powerplant for the Airbus A320neo family. The powerplant is designed to ...
Pratt & Whitney's GTF Advantage engine received FAA type certification for the Airbus A320neo family, promising enhanced thrust, better fuel efficiency, and lower carbon emissions. The engine ...
London City airport has applied for permission to allow Airbus A320neo aircraft to use its runway. The airport said the proposal made to regulator the Civil Aviation Authority would allow it to ...