Agilent Cary 630 FTIR 红外光谱仪功能全面、新颖直观,为固体、液体和气体常规分析提供了出色的定量和定性信息。紧凑型 Agilent Cary 630 FTIR 拥有宽范围样品接口和高性能的光学系统,包括安捷伦独特的液体测量革命性技术 DialPath ,能为您提供快速准确的结果。
The Agilent Cary 630 FTIR spectrometer is a flexible benchtop FTIR instrument offering high performance and extraordinary ease-of-use in an ultra-compact design. It is engineered with the user in ...
Agilent Cary 630 FTIR 红外光谱仪功能全面、新颖直观,为固体、液体和气体常规分析提供了出色的定量和定性信息。紧凑型 Agilent Cary 630 FTIR 拥有宽范围样品接口和高性能的光学系统,包括安捷伦独特的液体测量革命性技术 DialPath ,能为您提供快速准确的结果。
The Agilent Cary 610 and Cary 620 FTIR Microscopes and Chemical Imaging systems represent the latest in cutting-edge performance. Leveraging off the latest in technological developments ...
The Cary 610 is a single point FTIR microscope, capable of mapping, while the Cary 620 is a Focal Plane Array (FPA) chemical imaging FTIR microscope. With the option to couple the microscope to ...