Otherwise, he makes his intention by praying the two Sunnah Rakass which are made each time Wudhu is performed. When he finishes his prayer he should say: "Here I am for Umrah, here I am, Oh Allah, ...
May the almighty Allah accept all our sacrifices this period and beyond as we fast and pray today. The second half of the holy month is now in full throttle, which should encourage us to intensify ...
Unlike other acts of worship, such as prayer or charity, which are visible and can be externally validated, fasting is private and shared secret between Allah and the individual. Otherwise ...
Dome This symbolises Allah’s universe. It allows air to circulate, particularly in hot countries, and it is built over the prayer hall to allow one’s voice to be amplified. The star and ...
It has details on the existence of Allah, morality and historical events. Salah (or prayer) is very important to Muslims. Muslims pray five times a day and they must be facing the direction of Makkah.