In this multi-part series, we will identify some of the tree species and describe some of their ... reduced fall mast for woodland animal species. In addition, leaves of American chestnut contain ...
developing American chestnut tissue culture, field testing chestnut trees, encouraging public participation through the identification of rare remnant surviving chestnut trees, collecting and ...
The American beech (Fagus grandifolia) is a medium to tall tree native to North America. A member of the Fagaceae family, this tree is closely related to other commonly known trees such as all species ...
Parking near the base, I came upon an experimental planting of American chestnut trees. Then ... sported a full complement of handsome serrated leaves that were just beginning to turn their ...
The possibility that the transgenic American chestnut trees may have higher levels of blight resistance than the Chinese chestnut control is supported by another experiment using trees with smaller ...
[via Inhabitat] Between logging and the introduction of chestnut blight, the once prevalent American ... trees in the southern range were killed by Phytophthora root rot (PRR), the chestnut blight ...