11 天
什么值得买社区频道 on MSN把iPhone 6s当作一个备用机来使用,是一个非常明确的选择给大家分享一个个人觉得特别好用的一个备用机吧,这一个备用机的就是我一直在使用的一个6s个人感觉这一个手机有一个特别好的地方,就是他的这个拍照功能特别的强大,最近我感觉这种复古的相机特别的流行,有很多人去买CCD买不到的时候就会买这一个iPhone ...
13 天
什么值得买社区频道 on MSNiPhone 6s当备用机,简直绝配其实我觉得现在的很多人都会有一种备用机羞耻,比如说我一个朋友吧,他的那个备用机一直都不舍得用,可能是不好意思拿出来用,平常都是用的最新款的手机,但是有一次他的手机去维修了,然后就必须得用一个备用机,他宁愿去借我同学的,也不想用他的备用机,其实我觉得我 ...
总的来说,较新款的iPhone(从iPhone 7开始)已将其NFC功能拓展至超出支付的领域。你不仅可以用iPhone进行无接触支付,还能后台读取标签,创建个性化快捷指令,甚至在第三方应用中实现更多潜能。
Detailed features and specs for the Apple iPhone 6s for AT&T, Boost, Cricket, Metro, Sprint, T-Mobile, US Cellular, Verizon, Virgin Mobile. Plus discussion forum and photos ...
Detailed features and specs for the Apple iPhone 6s Plus for AT&T, Boost, Cricket, Metro, Sprint, T-Mobile, US Cellular, Verizon, Virgin Mobile. Plus discussion forum and photos ...
The iOS and iPadOS versions of Dropbox’s mobile app were updated this week with support for Live Photos which was first ...
Wonder no more, as this research team shows us how they tapped them with a flexible printed circuit (FPC) BGA interposer on an iPhone 6S, the first iPhone to use NVMe-based storage. The research ...
The iPhone batterygate lawsuit in the UK got another chapter. Apple will now have to defend itself in court, or pay a large sum of money.
Rather than checking your number against the Q combinations we provided earlier, just head there and use the tool to determine if your iPhone 6S is eligible for trade-in. The original story ...
Dropbox just updated its iPhone and iPad app with a new feature 10 years in the making: Live Photos support is finally here.