Aquatic and fisheries science is the study of aquatic ecosystems to increase scientific understanding and to apply this knowledge to their management and conservation, thereby sustaining them for ...
The management of aquatic ecosystems and restoration of water quality are vital to species survival. Gain in-depth knowledge on a molecular level and hands-on experience in the water assessment as you ...
The Center for Aquatic and Watershed Sciences (CAWS) was established to promote research and education on the linkages between watersheds and aquatic ecosystems. CAWS brings together faculty, students ...
The certificate provides foundation in the fundamentals of marine science, along with specialized upper-division coursework in aquatic science that can be helpful for future careers and graduate study ...
Eutrophication is also associated with major changes in aquatic community structure ... dead zones and consequences for marine ecosystems. Science 321, 926-929 (2008). Morris, J.