So start stocking the bomb shelter again. Or better yet, let ASIMO do that for you. You've had a long day. Click past the jump to let ASIMO pour you a drink and show off some of its newfound skills.
ASIMO is the humanoid robot created by Honda that looks like a diminutive moonman who loves to slowly climb stairs. The four-foot three-inch robot is capable of a lot more than ascending stairways ...
They were kind of like boxes full of circuitry on legs that became more and more humanlike over time until the big breakthrough came in 2000 with Asimo: the Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility robot.
The Asimo name returns as an original vehicle operating system developed in-house by Honda, set for use in the new 0 Series EVs. Long before there was Optimus, there was Asimo. Not a lot of people ...