For the first time on a global scale, 20 years of observations on Mars have been condensed into a single study led by ...
Following the 3,000th orbit of NASA's AWE (Atmospheric Waves Experiment) aboard the International Space Station, researchers ...
NASA’s AWE mission just released millions of gravity wave images from space, unveiling atmospheric forces that ripple through ...
AWE 任务在完成第 3000 次绕地球轨道后,发布了首批科学数据。这些数据包括超过 500 万张夜间气辉和大气重力波的图像,以及处理后的温度模式和气辉强度数据。 AWE 仪器被称为“中层温度高级测绘仪”(AMTM),由四个相同的望远镜组成,安装在 ISS 外部。AMTM 在 ISS ...
Atmospheric gravity waves surged out over the Indian Ocean in a wide arc spanning hundreds of kilometres, triggered by storms in the Kimberley region. Have you ever thrown a stone into a pond and ...
Aeolus wind measurements enable for the first time the derivation of atmospheric wave structures on different temporal and spatial scales and wind gradients in particular above the oceans, where wind ...
187. David M. Slocum, "Molecular line shape analysis at terahertz frequencies using multispectral fitting," Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Physics and Applied Physics, University of Massachusetts Lowell, ...