The key to the axolotl's ability to regenerate will perhaps one day be its most important gift to medical science. The AGSC supplies axolotls to K–12 teachers, as well as to labs. How are ...
There’s no denying the popularity of leucistic axolotls in the world of aquarium-keeping. With their pale bodies and ...
Challenging the long-standing belief that fibroblasts produce skin collagen, researchers at Okayama University have investigated collagen formation in the ‘glass-skinned’ amphibian axolotl and other ...
Axolotls are able to achieve this sort of regeneration ... Follow TI Video: On YouTube More from Science A triangle pointing right which indicates this type of media can be played.
From eye to brain—and back Visualizing neural connections allows scientists to map the circuits linking different brain areas. Using viral gene delivery in the axolotl's retina, the scientists ...
Axolotl Planet has amazing resources for those entering the world of axolotl-keeping. It notes that you can tub an axolotl for months, given they have their needs met. Still, you should only ...
Tissue types the axolotl can regenerate as shown in red (Debuque and Godwin, 2016). Credit must be given to the creator. Adaptations must be shared under the same terms.
Axolotls are able to regrow lost limbs and ... introduce captive-bred animals to restore the lake’s population. BBC science correspondent Victoria Gill travels to central Mexico to meet the ...
University of British Columbia grad students Sigrid Alvarez and Emma Conway authored the manuscript in collaboration with UBC biochemist Leonard Foster and submitted it for publication in the 8th ...
A museum and conservation centre dedicated to Mexico’s critically endangered axolotl salamander is highlighting the amphibian’s remarkable story that has captured the attention of scientists ...
With its goggling eyes and signature smiley face, the axolotl became Japan's favorite water creature after it was featured in a TV ad in the 1980s. At iZoo, a facility in Kawazu, Shizuoka ...