While still pricey, it's nowhere near the cost of a single B-2 Spirit stealth bomber because the B in B-2 might as well stand for "billion." The cost to manufacture a single B-2 bomber is $2.13 ...
The most visually distinctive aircraft within America’s bomber fleet is unquestionably the B-2 Spirit. The strange black aircraft first entered service in 1997 and is expected to remain with the ...
S. Air Force to reverse engineer the B-2 bomber’s Load Heat Exchanger (whatever that is). You’d think if the Air Force wanted to reverse engineer something, they’d be looking at another ...
If that day comes when Iran is too close to a bomb, there is one U.S. warplane that will get the call: the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber. Only the B-2 has the survivability and payload to target ...