These friendships often lasted for life, and scientists say they show how male primates can use kindness and affection to socially succeed.
While mandrills and baboons share similarities in social behavior, their hunting behavior is quite different. Mandrills are shy, nocturnal creatures who prefer to stay hidden from view.
Although they also benefited from the additional food source, they did not change their behavior towards the capable male.
elizabeth archie In the Amboseli ecosystem in Kenya, a project Alberts is involved with has been documenting the behavior of 1,624 wild baboons since 1971. Over such a long period, the monkeys have ...
Based on the number of views and comments, not one but two videos featuring baboon behaviour have sparked a whirlwind of attention on social media. In the first video, the question ‘Why did the ...
2000. In 2000, we began to monitor physiology through non-invasive fecal collection and analysis of steroid hormones extracted from the feces, thus considerably enhancing our ability to study ...
This swinging behavior is actually more similar to how ... In one scene in the 1994 film, he and Simba argue about which of them is a baboon. Clearly Simba's not a baboon. But neither is Rafiki.
Kataza the baboon made international headlines when ... and caused them to react without anyone considering natural baboon behavior.
She enjoys monitoring the behavior of her own "monkeys" at home. Lacey Roerish. Lacey plays the critical role of updating and maintaining the large behavioral, ecological, and demographic database on ...
Although they also benefited from the additional food source, they did not change their behavior towards the capable male. This could indicate that in the society of Guinea baboons, males have ...