The modern-day scholars are seeing the period of ancient Jewish history related to the Babylon captivity as divided into: ‘pre-exilic’. ‘exilic’ and ‘post-exilic’ phases. The Exile ...
Babylon has resonated in Judeo-Christian culture for centuries. The books of the Old Testament recount the exile of the Jews to Babylon following the sack of Jerusalem, by whose waters they “sat ...
And so it goes, the cycle of exile and remembrance, uprooting and rerooting. With the Passover holiday, those free can celebrate their freedom, and those who are rooted, their rootedness. Yet at the ...
Sennacherib’s policy of forced exile and assimilation directly caused the loss of the ten tribes to the Jewish people. Less than a hundred years later, the Jews were dealt another terrible blow. This ...
Babylon Berlin is not only impressively topical ... retreat into inner emigration or flee into exile. However, this decisive month also opens the possibility of changing the course of history ...