If you're looking for your next garden project and want something low maintenance that's also beneficial for the entire ecosystem, consider building a tiny wildlife pond. Backyard ponds have a ...
A pond is a fantastic way to attract wildlife into your garden and even a tiny pond will benefit a lot of animals. Many creatures are entirely aquatic, some start their lives in water and others need ...
Garden ponds are small yet significant water features ... shedding light on the role of pond management for wildlife. "Our findings revealed that key pond features such as pond age, area, aquatic ...
Ponds are probably the single most important wildlife feature that can be added to a garden, attracting a host of creatures from birds, to frogs and beneficial insects. Define the perimeter of the ...
will appeal to the broadest array of wildlife species. All animals need some source of water near the place they call home. If a permanent water supply is not present near your yard, the addition of a ...
Hundreds or retention ponds in the Triad help to control runoff, prevent erosion and protect water quality. They also can ...
the most as they go from pond to pond, looking for food,” said Shasta Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation spokeswoman Karlene Stoker. Adding to the spread of disease, people create places for birds to ...