For years potatoes were a staple vegetable in many households. In the 1950s and 1960s, Australians were well known for th ...
That isn’t the whole story (or even a true story). They can be healthy, skins-and-all roasted new potatoes; they can be indulgent like dauphinoise potatoes. They can make a budget dinner of ...
Other signs your potato is not suitable to eat include: mould, a bad smell, it has dark spots or bruises on it, or it’s gone mushy.
At this season of the year, potatoes are very liable to be moist and soggy after boiling, and many a good dinner will be spoiled on account of the bad potatoes A simple remedy for this is the ...
Potatoes often get a bad rap, but new research shows they can actually play a role in weight loss and improving insulin resistance—especially for people with impaired glucose metabolism.