是涂鸦还是艺术?在街头的墙上画画,在很多国家都是非法行为。然而,英国艺术家Banksy就有办法以艺术之名,让一切合法化,还能把涂鸦提升到艺术的高度。 一起来了解这个从不露脸的艺术家,如何把街头艺术搬进画廊里。 Banksy是谁? 英国涂鸦艺术家Banksy的 ...
For years people have tried - and failed - to uncover details about Bristol's most famous, yet anonymous, graffiti artist Banksy. Photos of him and stories of people who have met him are ...
Banksy ran three sessions with young people in a deprived area of Bristol For years people have tried - and failed - to uncover details about Bristol's most famous, yet anonymous, graffiti artist ...
Girl With Balloon, 2004. Courtesy of Pest Control Office, Banksy, London. One of Banksy's well-known pieces is called Sweep it Under the Carpet and was made in 2006 on a wall in London.