虎扑11月09日讯 韩网小道称DRX和DK在争BeryL选手,具体内容翻译如下: ——第一个小道: 1、DK本来没有给BeryL offer,一直到昨天为止,DRX.BeryL基本就是 ...
虎扑11月07日讯 韩网小道消息称BeryL选手将去DRX,具体内容如下: 我是2年前在这里说DRX要组建Micro师团+Rascal、Croco、Fate的人,去年我也在KT DC(类似 ...
While most of his success did come during his time at DWG, he wasn't part of the reformed squad after disbanding weeks earlier. However, BeryL will be the only member of DRX to have tasted victory on ...
As the majority of the championship-winning squad was broken up, DRX tried to rebuild with Geon-hee “BeryL” Cho as the only constant. Unfortunately, this led to a ninth-place finish during the LCK ...
HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- We all knew Hurricane Beryl was strong, but now there's new information showing just how intense the storm was. After each hurricane season, the National Hurricane Center ...