The most distant and earliest known galaxy is called JADES-GS-z14-0 and its light comes from when the universe was less than ...
Others took notice and named his theory "big bang." LeMaitre's ideas opened more questions, many of which forced physics and astronomy together: What was that primordial atom like? Why would it ...
Cynthia Chiang is searching for signs of the universe's first light Cynthia Chiang is searching for signs of the universe's first light Big Bang Poured Out "Liquid" Universe, Atom Smasher Hints ...
The recent discovery of a stupendously powerful neutrino has left scientists scratching their heads. New research suggests it ...
People talk about the universe starting with a Big Bang, but how could we possibly know anything about an event that happened billions of years ago – before our planet was even formed?
(This program is no longer available for online streaming.) On July 4, 2012, scientists at the giant atom smashing facility at CERN announced the discovery of a subatomic particle that seems like ...
going from smaller than the size of an atom, expanding a trillion-trillion fold in just a tiny fraction of a second,” Dr Korngut said. Dr Shawn Domagal-Goldman, acting director of the Astrophysics ...