I told myself, if I can't fly with the bee, then the bee has to fly with me ... In cinematographic terms, this will be a big challenge for me, because these insects are very small and fast ...
Big Bee Bonanza is seeking Virtual Volunteers! Interested in supporting bee research and conservation? You can BEE part of science by becoming a community volunteer and transcribing specimen labels: ...
Next time you’re outside, say a silent thanks for the many unsung insect pollinators helping to keep our ecosystems healthy.
Inspired by the humble bee, robotics researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have designed insect-sized aerial bots with a reimagined wing system that can fly for up to 1,000 ...
There are more species of fly in the UK than there are mammals on the planet,' states Erica. Among these are beauties like Bombylius bee-flies, picture-winged flies and the hornet hoverfly (the UK's ...
Bee Movie has quite the cult following ... This was previously a big misconception about the way insects fly, and could have originally been what tripped Magnan up in the first place.