How to trace the roan antelope The roan antelope can be easily identified because, unlike other antelopes, it dons backward-curving horns and long, tasselled ears. It has a grey or brown coat ...
Fringe eared oryx, Roan antelope and Sable antelope Vintage illustration of heads of Fringe eared oryx, Roan antelope and Sable antelope Head of Himalayan ibex goat engraving 1896 The Royal Natural ...
Roan Antelope’s attitude last week transformed ... Since then he has traveled the world, turning up whenever a big mining development was starting, usually leaving with a fat wad of shares ...
At the park, we are received by Titus Mitau, Senior Warden, Ruma Park, who introduces us to the special team overseeing the initiative to save the endangered roan antelope. "The roan antelopes ...