Fifteen years ago, the future looked bleak. Giant spider species once on the brink of extinction makes incredible comeback: ...
While operating the deep-sea robot nearly 7,000 feet below the surface, the machine’s camera captured a creature that ...
Researchers from the Schmidt Ocean Institute noticed the sea spider, the size of a dinner plate, about 2km beneath the icy surface waters of the South Sandwich Islands, a chain of volcanic islands ...
Hot on the heels of the news that Kevin Smith is writing a crossover between Jay and Silent Bob and Archie Comics, the writer ...
This June, experience Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man #1, a must-have one-shot of new Marvel Universe-spanning stories from ...
Kevin Smith is swinging back into the Marvel Universe. More than 25 years after the fan-favorite Clerks and Mallrats ...
This summer, a new Amazing Spider-Man special will herald Kevin Smith's return to Marvel Comics and a team-up with the ...
A new character who it is claimed will forever change Marvel Comics will make their premiere in Giant-Size Spider-Man #1.
The issue with Jefferson Morales/Davis's name is addressed in the comic adaptation.