More information: Carolyn J. Hogg et al, Extant and extinct bilby genomes combined with Indigenous knowledge improve conservation of a unique Australian marsupial, Nature Ecology & Evolution (2024).
Cameras, bioacoustic recorders and thermal scopes are being placed in Queensland's Channel Country in a bid to bring the ...
The bilby is a rare marsupial that has long ears, a long muzzle, silky fur and a pouch like a kangaroo. Males grow to about the same size as a rabbit. But the animal is in trouble. Only some 600 are ...
Rabbit-eared Australian marsupials are being hunted out of existence by foxes and feral cats in their environment. Now scientists are exposing bilbies to cats in a fenced reserve in hopes of ...
Jannico spent each morning walking the sand dunes of a conservation reserve in South Australia, searching for footprints that this rabbit-sized marsupial may have left the night before. Finding tracks ...
Bilby's association with the Easter celebration ... underway at Astrelba Downs National Park, a stronghold for the marsupial. In many pre-Christian societies, eggs held associations with spring ...