This theme takes a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the mechanisms that determine the responses of cells and tissues to biomaterials and biomechanical cues (mechanobiology), and how these ...
Myosin II plays the most important role in cellular force generation. Myosin II molecules self-assemble into filaments with different structures depending on myosin II isoforms and other conditions ...
For example, you may choose formal concentrations in aerospace engineering, automotive engineering or manufacturing systems, or a minor in biomechanical engineering, or you can create your own ...
Ahmad Raeisi Najafi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics and the director of the Multiscale Computational Mechanics and Biomechanics LAB (MCMB LAB). He ...
BME 366 provides an introductory overview of the broad field of movement biomechanics. BME 366 introduces the application of the mechanical engineering skillsets of rigid body kinematics and dynamics ...
The College of Engineering Technology teams focusing on biomechanics and biofluidics dive into jet nebulizer research to develop a safe, accurate and efficient way to deliver medication to pediatric ...
Students seeking deeper knowledge in a particular area within mechanical engineering may enroll in a set of technical electives, e.g., in Aerospace, Biomechanical Engineering, Design and Manufacturing ...
BME 465 is designed to familiarize the student with the development, application, and analysis of biomechanical models to simulate motion and orient the graduate student to the skill sets necessary to ...