A peregrine falcon nesting in a town hall has laid its first egg of the year. The bird of prey, which has made its home at ...
A swooping bird of prey is moving around a sleepy little village as residents take matters into their own hands.
The Mackinac Straits Raptor Watch is hosting several events to celebrate the migration of these birds of prey, which include ...
ONE of the "most-loved" breeds of the owl was spotted in daylight in a Worcestershire village. The barn owl, a bird of prey categorised by its heart-shaped head, was spotted in the middle of the day ...
Children and family members attended the Eyrie’s Experience Birds of Prey show, which included interactive displays during ...
A South American bird of prey has been divebombing people in a quiet home counties village. Sightings of the Harris’s hawk in Flamstead, Hertfordshire, have been reported since November but it ...
A bald eagle found in a field this week in northwest Indiana has died from an illness, according to the rehabilitation center ...
A bird of prey has been terrorising locals in the small village of Flamstead, Hertfordshire, with “at least a dozen people” being targeted. The bird, believed to be Harris’s hawk ...
In what may be a first for Townsville, and even Australia, a wedge-tailed eagle has featured in a real estate sales video, ...
A change in Natural England's approach means a 'presumption against' issuing wild take licensing for falconry and aviculture ...
The bird of prey most commonly seen in Hertfordshire is the graceful Red Kite. Often seen gliding and hovering over urban and rural areas looking for food, these birds really are a sight to behold, ...