The eagles at the U.S. Steel nest in West Mifflin are on egg watch — as are the hundreds of people who watch the livestream.
Dozens of bird eggs and chicks have been rescued from a single wind-damaged eucalyptus tree that was dangerously close to ...
Friends of Big Bear Valley say they may have seen the remains of a missing third eaglet in the nest. "We know that both the ...
An artificial bird bank designed to provide a safe nesting site for sand martins has been installed in a nature reserve in ...
Jackie and Shadow, the bald eagle couple whose parenting journey is livestreamed, laid three eggs this year. One eaglet went ...
Members of the public can now tune in again this year to ‘Nestflix’, two new livestreams which show pairs of Chough as they ...
The eagles at the U.S. Steel nest in West Mifflin are on egg watch — as are the hundreds of people who watch the livestream.
In the fall, after the plovers migrate to the Atlantic and Gulf coasts in the United States, monitors help prepare the ...
Barn swallows, infamous for their mud nests in doorways, are returning. Once they make a nest, you can't legally remove them.
Tree pruning work taking place at a park in Bristol is disturbing nesting birds as they prepare for breeding season, ...
In Amsterdam, the birds have been constructing nests out of plastic food wrappers, masks and other waste for at least 30 years, researchers report in the February Ecology. The revelation shows not ...