Visitors to Lehigh County’s Trexler Nature Preserve can now see the resident bison herd in two separate pastures. County officials in conjunction with the Lehigh Valley Zoo at the preserve announced ...
Using reproductive technologies, a single collection of sperm from an individual bison bull could be used to artificially inseminate over 300 females. However, annually, a female can only produce a ...
During the winter months, the bison lived in the field just past the ... to disposition the adult male bison and to bring in a new bull to both lead the herd and to breed. The process involves ...
If it wasn’t for a hidden herd in the deepest reaches of this National Park, bison would have been wiped out in the late 1800s. Today, thousands of them thrive.
As the state of Montana’s lawsuit over Yellowstone National Park’s bison management plan creeps forward in court, 260 animals have been shipped to slaughter so far this winter and another 86 ...
A Scottish Highland bull is the talk of the town in the rural hills of western Connecticut, where it has been roaming for over a month in the frigid winter ... the beefalo, a bison hybrid who ...
A bison feeds in a forest during winter in Nalibokskaya Forest Reserve near the village of Rum, some 80 km (50 miles) west of Minsk, January 11, 2013. Several dozens bisons live in this reserve ...