C code for SKINNY block cipher. Made as project work for cryptography course. driver_skinny.c contains only driver to test cipher. The actual cipher is in the skinny ...
RFC 8891 a.k.a GOST R 34.12-2015: Block Cipher "Magma" RFC 5830 a.k.a GOST 28147-89 Block Cipher Modes: ...
Abstract: This chapter addresses the standard approaches to use block ciphers to encrypt and decrypt plaintexts, while considering plaintexts of a size longer than that of a single block. In the ...
We introduce the RC6 block cipher. RC6 is an evolutionary improvement of RC5, designed to meet the requirements of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Like RC5, RC6 makes essential use of ...
Abstract: To provide confidentiality and integrity guarantees based on block ciphers, the NIST approved a set of modes of operation for block ciphers, which are discussed in this chapter. They include ...
To decrypt a double transposition, construct a block with the right number of rows under the keyword, blocking off the short columns. Write the cipher in by columns, and read it out by rows.