Initiative announced on social media Wednesday that one of their bonobos has died. In a post on Facebook, the initiative said ...
Ape Initiative and Wildstar Films are preparing a documentary about Kanzi, the Bonobo primate, particularly focusing on his ...
Kanzi has died at the age of 44. The iconic bonobo reshaped our understanding of ape intelligence, challenging long-held beliefs about what separates humans from our closest living relatives.
The bonobo’s head is smaller in proportion to its body ... Scientists today tend to avoid the term pygmy chimpanzee; “bonobo” better suggests that this creature is not a miniaturized version ...
What would it be like to converse with a bonobo? According to primatologist Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, a lead scientist at the Great Ape Trust of Iowa, these apes cannot only understand language ...
We don't just have sex to reproduce—new research suggests that using sex to manage social tension could be a trait that existed in the common ancestor of humans and apes six million years ago.
DES MOINES, Iowa (CNN)-- Orangutans and bonobos in one of North America's leading ape research centers are spending time high in their habitats to escape Iowa floodwaters, officials said Monday.
Bonobos are part of the ape family, alongside chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas, humans and gibbons. Apes brains are more complex than monkeys, and are our closest animal relatives, sharing around ...