Researchers have found in a new trial that the head-shaking maneuver was effective in treating posterior canal ...
HC-BPPV 会使患者在特定头位变化时突然出现短暂而强烈的眩晕感,严重影响日常活动,给患者的生活带来诸多不便。寻找有效的治疗方法成为该领域的研究重点。烧烤翻滚法(Barbecue roll maneuver)作为一种用于治疗 HC-BPPV 的手段,其治疗效果备受关注。本综述旨在 ...
also known as the liberatory maneuver. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is caused by tiny calcium crystals in the vestibular system in your inner ear. When these crystals move to an area where ...
目前,针对 BPPV 的治疗方法多种多样,但复位手法被公认为是最有效的。像 Epley 手法(Epley maneuver,EM)、Semont 手法(Semont’s maneuver,SM)等,这些手法通过特定的头部和身体运动,让移位的耳石回到原本的位置,从而减轻对半规管感受器的刺激。然而 ...
The following is a summary of “Effect of different maneuvers of repositioning on benign paroxysmal vertigo: a network ...
BPPV is usually accompanied by nystagmus, a subtle "jumping" of the eyes which can sometimes be seen with a diagnostic test called the Dix-Hallpike maneuver. A test called electronystagmography ...
However, when BPPV is the diagnosis, the physical therapist can be very helpful in performing Epley’s maneuver and repositioning the canaliths so that they do not cause an uncomfortable feel of ...
There is a very unusual treatment for BPPV which is labeled “Epley’s maneuver”. Epley’s maneuver is a canalith repositioning maneuver which repositions the calcium carbonate crystals ...
Objective The purpose of this pilot project was to explore the clinical presentation of benign positional vertigo (BPV) in patients with mild or moderate traumatic brain injury (TBI) and to determine ...