That arose from my love of the Buchla modular synthesizer, but I can't say I listened to electronic music before I started making it myself. That might sound paradoxical, but that's how it was.” ...
Waverazor's voice and character is impressively varied thanks to its clever oscillators and detailed underlying architecture, ...
Models of classic instruments abound, but there are also many entirely original synths, a good number of which boast capabilities that would have made Don Buchla throw down his ... freedom enjoyed by ...
the major types of which were those created by Donald Buchla (the Buchla Box), Robert A. Moog (the Moog synthesizer), Peter Zinovieff (the Putney and Synthi synthesizers), and ARP Corporation (the ARP ...
the major types of which were those created by Donald Buchla (the Buchla Box), Robert A. Moog (the Moog synthesizer), Peter Zinovieff (the Putney and Synthi synthesizers), and ARP Corporation (the ARP ...