C‑SPAN's original series exploring American history through the writers who have shaped the course of this nation. C-SPAN's American Writers: A Journey Through History explores American history ...
Democrats got to enjoy nearly a week of McCarthy's repeated humiliations, but now they have to contend ... week of House leadership chaos, however: C-SPAN. The nonprofit cable TV consortium's ...
C-SPAN cameras were allowed special access to the Speaker of the House vote, resulting in usually uncaptured moments that have gone viral. Here are some of the network’s unconventional shots on ...
C-SPAN host Mimi Geerges was forced to correct ... of superb international reporting and analysis, The Independent now enjoys a reach that was inconceivable when it was launched as an upstart ...
Lamb said C-SPAN felt that pressure when it started ... the air and started without any of its own cameras, the network is now a staple on cable and satellite and has expanded to the internet ...