Windsor-Essex broke 52 records for local bird sightings last year. There was a high count of pelicans and a first nesting record for a rare and endangered owl.
Vince Maidens (Canada) records the “absolute chaos” when a barn owl brings a vole back to its fledgling chicks. Vince spent hundreds of hours over three months in England’s Yorkshire Dales, watching ...
The great gray owl is one of the world's largest owls, measuring 80cm long.During winter, these birds display incredible hunting skills in the snowy fields of central Canada.
MyDNR, Indiana’s Outdoor Newsletter: A pair of barn owls have made a home in the property’s nest box, and you can watch this couple via a live webcam by going to the Goose Pond FWA camera page. Barn ...
“The barn owl is doing the job that rodenticides used to do, only without cost and in a way that respects nature,” he told the Cyprus News Agency (CNA). The programme, which has an annual ...
A ghostly barn owl exits the hayloft window of a derelict barn to hunt in fields outside Vancouver, Canada. Jess quietly watched the owl for several nights to understand its habits. He set up an ...
Flying silently through Nick Davis’ almond orchard, a barn owl swoops through the blossoming trees, listening for the slightest rustling of what could be its next meal. With one-inch talons and ...