A multifaceted approach that includes consideration of both the social and physical environment has proven to be most beneficial. Great emphasis has been placed on the importance of captive nonhuman ...
Nonhuman primates are wild animals whose behavioral and psychological needs are irreconcilable with the realities of a captive life as pets. They can also pose a serious threat to the people around ...
Because free-ranging nonhuman primates spend most of their time foraging and eating 17, environmental enhancement plans for captive nonhuman primates should include a means of providing them with ...
Thus, the chapter includes a discussion of methods for obtaining data on the feeding ecology and behavior of nonhuman primates in the wild, feeding strategies for captive colonies, and the ...
PETA attorney Brittany Peet shares how support for the Captive Primate Safety Act can change the lives of animals like Tonka the chimpanzee Chimp Crazy has ended, but PETA's goal to stop the ...