A southern cassowary chick, which is related to the emu, is considered deadly because of its powerful legs and claws – and ...
A group of international tourists were delighted to catch sight of a male cassowary and its chick this week in Mount Hypipamee National Park, Queensland.
Queensland's Department of Environment and Science recommends that humans never feed the birds or approach the animals — especially cassowary chicks. Additionally, those who live in areas native ...
If you get close to a male with young chicks, he may charge you in an attempt to protect them. If you try to catch or kill a cassowary, it may fight back—and could well get the better of you.
During the breeding season, the female cassowary lays a clutch of 3-5 eggs, each weighing about the same as 10 chicken eggs. These eggs are vibrant green due to a pigment called biliverdin ...
The cassowary is one of the world’s largest ... so males incubate the eggs and then raise the young chicks. They’re very protective of their young — some of the only non-food related ...
we came across a male cassowary with a chick," he told Yahoo News. While Far North Queensland is known cassowary habitat, "it is not common to see one in the Atherton Tablelands so every sighting ...
With its vivid blue face and helmet-like crest, the cassowary is a stunning sight. But beneath its beauty lies danger. Known as the world’s most dangerous bird, it lives in the tropical ...