The cassowary is proof that nature always has a ... Casque: A spongy, helmet-like crest atop their head, made of keratin (like human nails), possibly used for thermal regulation or navigating ...
But a cassowary is not your regular garden bird ... That is, he tucks his head down low, inflates his neck, and makes a series of low booming noises. As he does this, his feathers puff up.
The cassowary is often called the world’s most dangerous bird due to its aggressive nature and powerful attacks. Native to Australia and New Guinea, cassowaries are large, flightless birds known ...
It’s not just any bird that strikes fear into the heart of Aussies. The cassowary is one of the world’s largest birds, and it looks like a relic from another geologic era. It’s as tall as a ...
In the clip, you can see the bird's head above the water in the ocean. The cassowary gradually swims closer to the shore until it reaches the beach. After making it to shore, the bird stands at ...
take place. Held at Mission Beach in Far North Queensland, the festival is the biggest local event of the year, and the biggest of any dedicated to the cassowary in the world. This year will see ...