An email from the White House Management Office informed staff that the Mass would take place in the Indian Treaty Room at ...
Events culminating with the 25th anniversary of her canonization will celebrate a saint whose resting place is inside the ...
It reminds us to go deeper into our faith,” said Henning. “It’s a particularly good time to be praying for Pope Francis.” ...
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent and its observance lasts for 40 days. Here's what to know about the Christian tradition.
At the celebration ... to maintain communion with the Catholic Church, preserve the integrity of the faith and promote ecclesiastical discipline. The Mass was concelebrated by about 80 priests ...
St Teresa’s School participated in Catholic Schools Week recently, an annual celebration of Catholic schools worldwide. For ...
Catholic Schools week began on Monday with a special mass led by Bishop Lawrence Persico. The principal of Saint Luke Catholic School Haley Kolash said their theme is “be the light.” ...
The St Dominic’s and Christian Brothers’ College community gather for mass at the ... St Dominic’s Catholic Church was filled with the joyful sounds of worship and celebration when Catholic ...
Tobin, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of Newark, presided over the special Mass organized by the Chinese Catholic Apostolate ... and her dance group capped off the celebration with an elaborate performance ...