For successful cell division, chromosomal DNA needs to be packed into compact rod-shaped structures. Defects in this process ...
The five phases of mitosis and cell division tightly coordinate the movements of hundreds of proteins. How did early biologists unravel this complex dance of chromosomes? The most obvious ...
Interphase The cell spends most of its life in this phase. The DNA in chromosomes copies itself ready for mitosis. Prophase The DNA in chromosomes and their copies condenses to become more visible.
During cell division, mitosis refers specifically to the separation of the duplicated genetic material carried in the nucleus. Mitosis is conventionally divided into five stages known as prophase ...
Among the many marvels of life is the cell's ability to divide and thus enable organisms to grow and renew themselves. For ...
Our blood consists of many cell types that develop through different stages from a precursor type—the blood stem cell. An ...